1. 1977
2. National Heritage Board
3. Ministry of Information and the Arts
4. Mr Raymond Lim
6. The Cabinet, Public Service Commission and Parliament of Singapore
7. Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority
Board of Architects
Civil Service College
8. 15
9. 11
10. Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Law and Ministry of Health
12. 710.3 sq km
13. 63
14. pedra branca
15. malaysia
16. parliamentary democracy
17. Chan Sek Keong
18. Mr Abdullah Tarmugi
19. Mr Lim Boon Heng
a. CapitaLand Limited
b. Fraser and Neave Limited
c. Popular Holdings
22. Zubir Said
23. Sinnathamby Rajaratnam
24. 15
25. Mr Chiam See Tong
26. India and Japan
27. 4.4 million
29. 4.6 million (dec 2006)
30. ASEAN, UN, Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)
31. 3000km
32. 150km
33. 80.5 years
34. 2,495,900
35. 33,393 cases
36. 99.9%
37. 3583
38. 304,400
39. 28,730
40. 91.1%
42. 17605
44. 3,370,000 (2009)
45. 107
46. http://mycpf.cpf.gov.sg/Members/home.htm
47. 20
48. 14.5
49. Officially opened on October 12, 2002
50. National Solidarity Party
* People's Action Party - Ruling party
* Singapore Democratic Party
* Workers' Party of Singapore
* Democratic Progressive Party
51. Alfian Sa’at
52. 65
53. Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore
54. Mainly I Love Kids
55. 7%
56. Ms Olivia Lum
57. Criminal justice division
Civil justice division
Family justice division
Juvenile justice division
58. 17% (2008)
59. Lee Kuan Yew
60. Goh Chok Tong
61. 24,607 (I am not sure about this. Inez)
64. 21 years
65. 18 years
66. 21 years
67. 1.28 children born per woman
68. All nominees must be at least 18 years of age as at the date of nomination to enter the nomination exercise, and if under 21 but above 18 years of age, parental consent must be obtained (I'm not sure about this. Inez)
69. 96.3%
70. $ 474,388
71. 1982
72. 1.1 kg (I'm not sure about this either. Inez)
73. Environmental Pollution Control Act(EPCA)1999 and Environmental Pollution Control(Air Impurities)Regulations 2000
74. National Council of Social Services (NCSS)
75. Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS)
76. G, PG, NC-16, M-18 and R21
77. US$ 187,834.30 million (Feb 2010)
78. World: Overall Competitiveness – 3rd
World’s Freest Economy – 2nd
World’s Top 20 Most Globalised Nations – 1st
79. Malaysia, Japan, US, Indonesia and China
80. Drama Centre and Victoria Theatre
81. Where are the 3 NEWater factories located?
Bedok, Kranji and Seletar Water Reclamation Plants
82. How many people were arrested in 2007 for drug abuse?
83. Which is the oldest reservoir in Singapore?
MacRitchie Reservoir
84. What is the latest project by the Public Utilities Board to increase local water supply source?
Municipal Water Reuse Markets 2010
85. Which statutory board operates as the central bank of Singapore?
Monetary Authority of Singapore
86. How much Baby Bonus do parents receive for their first child?
87. Which organization is Singapore chairing this year?
Youth Olympic Committee
88. What does HOTA stand for?
DOTA!!! Juz kidding... Singapore Human Organ Transplants Act
89. What is the difference between an embassy and a mission?
An embassy normally signifies that there are full diplomatic relations with a country and the relationship is significant enough for a senior diplomat, i.e. an ambassador, to be based there. A mission could be either a temporary diplomatic office, pending the setting up of a full embassy, or could be a branch office of an embassy.
90. What is the number of airline flights use Changi Airport per week?
91. What is the percentage of Singapore households with broadband users?
92. According to Global Information Technology Report 205/06, World Economic Forum, what was Singapore’s ranking in the list of “World’s Most Network-Ready Country”?
2nd place
93. How many embassies and missions has Singapore established worldwide?
94. How many foreign embassies and missions are based in Singapore?
95. When was Singapore admitted into the United Nations?
21 September 1965
96. Under the Internal Security Act (ISA), how long can a person, deemed to pose an active threat to Singapore, be detained without trial?
60 days
97. Name 3 departments or statutory boards that make up the Home Team in the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Central Narcotics Bureau, Immigration and Checkpoints Authority, Singapore Police Force
98. According the Yellow Ribbon Project, how many ex-offenders are released each year from prison to be integrated into society?
99. Which are the capital crimes in Singapore?
Kidnapping, drug trafficking, first-degree murder, perjury that results in execution of innocent person, abetting suicide of person under 18 or “insane”, etc.
100. What is the minimum amount of cocaine or heroine trafficked that is punishable by the death penalty?
Cocaine: 30g
Heroine: 15g
Adnux xD